I've just found an email address written on a scrap of paper and realized that it belongs to one of the waiters at Chez Ben Mostafa in Essaouira. I took a few photos there just before I left back in June, and though I added them to me Flickr account, I hadn't added them to my blog, nor had I sent them in an email.
If you've ever been to Essauouira, you've probably walked past Chez Ben Mostafa, though you may not have stopped there for a drink or a bit to eat. Everyone has their own favourite spot, and that is our's (my wife Maggie and me, that is.) I suppose that's a good job, really - otherwise it would be even harder to get a seat there, than it usually is! Great coffee (cafe casse for me, nous-nous for Maggie) and good food too - breakfast, lunch, and dinner too.
Anyway, here are photos of some of the team. If you've been there, I'm sure you'll recognize them.
Monday, 25 October 2010
Chez Ben Mostafa, Essaouira
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Labels: 2010, essaouira, Mostafa Ben Manna
Thursday, 23 September 2010
iPhone near-disaster
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Monday, 23 August 2010
Madness at Glastonbury Abbey Extravaganza 2010
A couple of weeks ago a bunch of family and friends went to see Madness play the Glastonbury Abbey Extravaganza. They were really good. I've never been what you could call a fan, but I've liked their music and their whole performance style since their early days. I took my video camera and recorded about half of their set and posted a couple of videos on YouTube. I had them set to Private until today, when I received the OK from the band's own YT channel - MadTubeTV. Thanks CB. (Note to WS - See, I do learn.)
I plan to add a couple more, but for now there's Wings of a Dove and It must be Love on this playlist.
Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel kicked off the evening, and while I didn't manage to record them at all, they were a superb accompaniment to our big picnic. Thanks guys.
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Friday, 2 July 2010
Essaouira Gnaoua and World Music Festival 2010 - Report, Videos, Photographs
I've just come back from the Essaouira Gnaoua and World Music Festival 2010 where Maggie and I had a really great time, listened to lots of good music and made lots of new friends.This year, we were given press accreditation, with what I came to realise were precious Camera badges, that allowed us privileged access right in front of the stages. I shot loads of what I hope will turn out to be great video, though your opinion on that is more important than mine. I lost control of the sound quality some of the time, in the heat of getting better pictures, but I think I've found a way around that, if we get to go again and get the badges again. But enough of that.
Vince Millett
Vince Millet added a comment with links to some great photographs that he took. Just follow the links to these six Flikr slides-shows to get a great sense of the everyday excitement of the Essaouira festival. Thanks for these, Vince.
Opening Parade: http://www.flickr.com/photos/brokendrumphotography/sets/72157624411100934/
Maâlem Mustapha Bakbou: http://www.flickr.com/photos/brokendrumphotography/sets/72157624284357785/
Dhafer Youssef: http://www.flickr.com/photos/brokendrumphotography/sets/72157624283906685/
Maâlem Saïd Ouressan:
Speed Caravan:http://www.flickr.com/photos/brokendrumphotography/sets/72157624407510136/
Around the festival: http://www.flickr.com/photos/brokendrumphotography/sets/72157624286342899/
I was able to record a couple of Audio-only sessions from our balcony at Bab Marrakech while I was over at Moulay Hassan with the video camera. Here's the first of them, featuring Maalem Aziz Bakbou with some member of the Armenian Navy Band (among others):
This isn't working, and I'm not sure why. I'll try to sort it out.
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Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Essaouira Gnaoua festival Facebook groups
I've been one of the admins for the i just can't wait for the next gnaoua's festival in Essaouira !! Facebook group for a couple of years and I always knew there was at least one other, but today I was looking around and I found a whole bunch more. I couldn't find a way to create a Facebook supergroup (let me know if you know how), so I decided to list and link to them all here, on my blog. Post comments if you knolw of others, and I'll add them to the post.
- Group i just can't wait for the next gnaoua's festival in Essaouira !!
- Group Festival Gnaoua et Musiques du Monde 2009
- Group festival gnaoua d 'essaouira 2009
- Group J'irai au festival Essaouira - Gnaoua et musiques du monde 2010 (INCHALLAH)
- Page Festival Gnaoua et Musiques du Monde d'Essaouira
- Group Festival Gnaoua et Musiques du Monde
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Labels: essaouira
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
A long week-end in Amsterdam, March 2010
Last Friday, Maggie and I flew to Amsterdam for the week-end. We got a 7am flight from Southampton airport, less than 10 miles away, getting to Amsterdam's central station by 10am local time - not bad considering UK is an hour ahead.
Once again we stayed at the same little hotel on the Prinzengracht, this time in a room facing onto the canal. The only down side was that it was on the 4th floor, and if you've ever been in a narrow 17th century dutch town house, you'll know exactly how challenging that can be. I'm 6'7'' and on one of the flights I had to limbo backwards to get down the stairs.
Amsterdam is a great place for shopping. If you like hats, the English Hatter is a great place to go. I thought I'd lost my black Kangol 504 so bought another one, along with a black cotton/linen mix in a similar style, though when I got home I found my old one in the loft.
Since it was Maggie's birthday, I got her a pretty little brooch from Laloli, and as I'd bought a number of things there over the past few years, Sandra (one of the three sisters who make all of the jewelery) gave Maggie a pair of silver and pearl ear-rings as a present. Thank you, Sandra, Monique and Marianne.
Go Gallery
In 2008, I went to the Go Gallery to buy a Moon Calendar and discovered Sit's Unwired exhibition which was running at the time, but on my last two trips I just couldn't find it. I must have walked up and down the odd side of the Prinzengracht four times but just couldn't see it. This year, while paying for the Duvel I'd just drunk, I asked the owner of the little bar on the even side of the canal (No. 44, I think) if she knew the Go Gallery, and she said "Oh yes, it's just a few doors down". You know, I'd been convinced that it was on the other side, but there it was, at Prinzengracht 64!.
This time, the gallery was running the first solo exhibition by Michiel van der Born, a young Dutch typographer. The exhibition is called "26 Characters", and features 26 acrylic paintings of all of the letters of the alphabet. Here's the composite view used to promote the show. I currently use this in tesselated form as my lap-tops background.
I didn't buy one of those, but I did buy "typotalk" (4/15), another piece of his work on show there:

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Labels: 2010, Amsterdam, Art, Go Gallery/Go Art, Moon Calendar, SIT
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Essaouira Gnaoua and World Music Festival 2010 - June 24-27
UPDATE 4 July 2010
Now that the festival has been and gone, if you want to read my festival report, listen to some of the music, watch some videos, or see some of the photos that I took, just follow this link http://daftnotstupid.blogspot.com/2010/07/essaouira-gnaoua-and-world-music.html
UPDATE 10 May 2010
At last, the official dates are now up on the festival web-site, so you don't just need to take my word for it. Here's the image that is currently posted there:
The dates are as I previously posted - Thursday to Sunday, June 24-27, 2010.
I've been in touch with the Festival organisers and am pleased to announce that the 13th Essaouira Gnaoua and World Music Festival will be held Thursday to Sunday, June 24-27, 2010.
The official festival website at http://www.festival-gnaoua.net is still showing the 2009 dates, and almost none of the links there work, but I'm sure that they will sort that out before too long. The line-up and the updated website are usually posted until late-May/early-June, but they usually update the banner image with the dates round about now. If any of you need to books flights or hotels, and want to confirm the dates, I suggest you call A3 Communications (contact details on the festival web page).
If you can't wait until June and need to hear some gnaoua music right now, you'll find plenty on the playlists here or over on my YouTube channel.
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